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Originally delivered on 10/21/2024 7:30 pm

SUBJECT: Strawberry Hill Newsletter 10.21.24

October 21, 2024
IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month

Risk Takers:  As IB learners we strive to be risk-takers. We approach uncertainty with courage and forethought. We have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. We are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.

Tomadores de riesgos:  Como alumnos del IB, nos esforzamos por asumir riesgos. Afrontamos la incertidumbre con valentía y previsión. Tenemos independencia de espíritu para explorar nuevos roles, ideas y estrategias. Somos valientes y elocuentes a la hora de defender sus creencias.

Message from the Co-Presidents

Hello parents!

It’s been an exciting and busy start to the school year! We’ve already enjoyed a PYP movie night, had a blast at Friday Night Lights laser tag for MYP, held two PTO meetings, and hosted our first-ever tag sale fundraiser. Coming up, we have the Monster Mash and Thinker Treat events to look forward to!

All of this wouldn’t be possible without our amazing volunteers. We truly appreciate your support and would love your help to keep the momentum going for the rest of the year. Together, we can make this a fantastic school experience for our students!

At our first PTO meeting, we discussed our budget and how we’ve allocated funds for the upcoming year. To maintain the great programs we’ve established in the past, we recognize the need to ramp up our fundraising efforts.

This year, we’re looking to explore new ways to fundraise beyond our school community. Our goal is to provide valuable opportunities for both students and staff in the years to come. Your support in these efforts will be essential to our success!

If you have any ideas or connections that could help us expand our fundraising reach, please share! Together, we can make a meaningful impact. Thank you!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out at if you have any questions. We’re here to support our school community and are excited to work together this year! 

Thank you for your continued involvement!

Kim DiMondo and Krista Karwosky


¡Hola padres!

¡Ha sido un comienzo de año escolar emocionante y ocupado! Ya disfrutamos de una noche de cine del PEP, nos divertimos mucho en el laser tag Friday Night Lights para el MYP, celebramos dos reuniones del PTO y organizamos nuestra primera recaudación de fondos para la venta de etiquetas. ¡Próximamente tenemos los eventos Monster Mash y Thinker Treat que esperamos con ansias!

Todo esto no sería posible sin nuestros increíbles voluntarios. Realmente apreciamos su apoyo y nos encantaría su ayuda para mantener el impulso durante el resto del año. ¡Juntos podemos hacer de esta una experiencia escolar fantástica para nuestros estudiantes!

En nuestra primera reunión del PTO, discutimos nuestro presupuesto y cómo asignamos fondos para el próximo año. Para mantener los excelentes programas que hemos establecido en el pasado, reconocemos la necesidad de intensificar nuestros esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos.

Este año, buscamos explorar nuevas formas de recaudar fondos más allá de nuestra comunidad escolar. Nuestro objetivo es brindar oportunidades valiosas tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal en los años venideros. ¡Su apoyo en estos esfuerzos será esencial para nuestro éxito!

Si tiene alguna idea o conexión que pueda ayudarnos a ampliar nuestro alcance de recaudación de fondos, ¡compártala! Juntos podemos lograr un impacto significativo. ¡Gracias!

No dude en comunicarse con si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Estamos aquí para apoyar a nuestra comunidad escolar y estamos entusiasmados de trabajar juntos este año! 

¡Gracias por su continua participación!

Kim DiMondo y Krista Karwosky


(Scroll down for details on events in the near future)

October 25th

  • Monster Mash (Grades 5-6)

October 26th

  • Thinker Treat (Grades K-4)

October 28th

  • DEI Meeting

October 30th

  • Early Release

November 5th

  • Election Day - No School

November 6th

  • Picture Re-take Day

November 11th

  • Veteran's Day - No School

November 13th

  • PTO Board/General Meeting

November 15th

  • Multicultural Fair

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Halloween MYP Monster Mash (5th & 6th grades): October 25th

Please join us for our annual Halloween MYP Monster Mash (5th & 6th grades)!

When: Friday, October 25th 6:30pm-8:00pm 
Where: Strawberry Hill Cafeteria
Pre-sale tickets, on sale now! Purchase here. $15 per student which includes pizza, water and entertainment!  There will be music and raffles for a spook-tacular time!

See the below flyers for more information! 

Volunteers Needed! Click HERE to volunteer and HERE to donate.

Thinker Treat & Halloween Parade Celebration (PYP): October 26th

Let's celebrate Halloween at Strawberry Hill's Thinker Treat! All PYP (K-4) students and their families are invited to participate in the games, trunks, treats, and costume parade. It's going to be an awesome event!

Many hands make light work! We REALLY NEED parent volunteers to make this event happen! Parents, please volunteer 30 minutes of your time (sign up here).

October DEI Meeting: October 28th

Please join us for the October meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pioneers (DEI Pioneers).

Date: Monday, October 28 from 7:30-9 pm
Where: via Zoom

ID: 881 3603 3244
Pass: 881960

All are welcome!

2024 RETAKE Picture Day: November 6th

Steady Photography offers a free Retake Day on November 6th. If you're unhappy with the results of your child's portrait for any reason or missed picture day, you may elect to have a retake. Original photos must be returned on retake day.   

We will also take the following whole grade group photos:

  • 4th and 8th Grade (for the yearbook)
  • 6th and 7th Grade

If you missed picture day last month, you can order prints with a credit card here.  Password (case sensitive): STRAW24

If you prefer to pay with cash or check (made out to Steady Photography on the retake picture day), click on the order form. Please note that exact change is required if paying in cash.

For more details and if you have any questions, please reach out to

If you have trouble ordering, please call Steady Photography at 203-488-5170, Monday-Friday between 9am-3pm.

2nd Annual Strawberry Hill Multicultural Fair: November 15th

Please Save the Date for the 2nd Annual Strawberry Hill Multicultural Fair:  Friday, 11/15/24 @ 6-8pm.

We are on the hunt for “Ambassador” families that want to share their culture at our 2nd Annual Strawberry Hill Multicultural Fair.
Ambassadors get to show off cool displays, games, tasty treats, or even artistic performances! Each family will rock their own table space in the cafe or hallway. Performances will be in the gym. Please sign up ASAP to be an Ambassador here.

Even if you don’t want to be an Ambassador, we’d love for you to attend the event to learn about your friends’ cultures! Sign up as an attendee via MTK.  

If you’d like to volunteer to help with setup or cleanup, sign up here.

Uniform & Spirit Wear Information

UNIFORMS:  Strawberry Hill established a dress code as a way to promote school unity by giving students a sense of pride in their school, encouraging a focus on academics, and promoting safety by identifying our students to staff and our community.   Please visit our school's page for uniform provider information.

Place your French Toast or Lands End uniform orders today. 

Lands End: 
  • Online: Log on to, click on School, Search by our school number (900189770) or by location.
French Toast:
  • Online: Log on to, click on School, Search by our school number (QS5VCMC) or by location.

If you are in need of a donated uniform, please contact and indicate child's name, teacher and size. 


Visit: to place your order!

Support Our School
You can purchase labels for your student’s uniforms, water bottles, canisters and 20% of your purchase is paid to Strawberry Hill.  The labels are waterproof, dishwater and microwave safe.  Enter Strawberry Hill in the search box and you’re all set to shop labels to support our school. Our school’s Strawberry Logo is also available for printed labels in our special Label Pack.

Use the new Box Tops App to scan your receipt. The app will find participating products purchased at any store and instantly add cash to your organization's earnings online.

Stay Informed About Strawberry Hill School and Stamford Public Schools!

There are many ways to stay informed about what is happening at our school and in the district. 

  • Sign up for SPS district alerts here. 
  • Email and ask to sign up for the newsletter if you want to know more about what is happening in the district.
  • Access recent district postings in “District News” on the SPS homepage here and the SPS Parent University resources here 
  • Make sure you have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account here. If you do not have an account or need help, contact Mrs. Wilcox, our school’s Technology Integration and Support Specialist (TISS), at
  • Register for our Strawberry Hill PTO website here 
  • Visit our school website here 

If you have any questions about the PT Council or district resources, please contact Brande Phillips at  

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