Strawberry Hill PTO Communications Procedures


The following procedures pertain to communications to the Strawberry Hill community via email, Facebook, PTO newsletter, and/or school website.


Important Deadlines:

No Exceptions, other than the most extreme of situations. For example, when an SH family lost their house to a fire and we requested help from the school community, we put up a Facebook post immediately.


Newsletter - One week prior to the newsletter’s publishing date (for publishing dates, see Communications Request Form)


Facebook/Email/Website - The Thursday before the week you would like your communications to go out. For example, if you want a Facebook post and email to go out on Friday, September 15, we should receive that by Thursday September 7.


Please Note - Requested posting dates are NOT guaranteed. There is a higher likelihood of your requested dates being honored if you submit your form earlier, but still not guaranteed.


Communications Submission Process:

Google Form - All communications requests must be done via the Communications Request Google Form:


Translations -  All newsletter submissions, email requests, facebook posts, and website posts must be translated in Spanish. Person submitting the communications request is responsible for obtaining the translation and submitting that with their request. Email and cc to request translations. Translations will usually take one school day but if there is a lot of text it may take longer.


Attachments - All files submitted should be in .jpg or .png format. No PDFs will be accepted. Don’t forget to translate your flyers and submit copies of both the English and Spanish flyers.


Links - If your communication contains links, please put all links in the field for links on the form. Don’t forget to translate as much as you can for the links. If it’s a sign-up genius, translate the description section as well as the days of the week. If it’s a google doc, create a new google doc for the spanish translation and include both links in your submission.


Deadlines - Please see the section above re: deadlines. Again, requested posting dates are NOT guaranteed. There is a higher likelihood of your requested dates being honored if you submit your form earlier, but still not guaranteed.

Any Questions? Please email